Redundancy and ethropy are two terms that are used and can be found within all media texts.
Redundancy is used to describe an image, clip or text that is highly predicatable; for example if you were told you were going to be shown a picture of an apple, it would not come as a surprise when this image was shown. It is completely predictable.
However you would not expect to see this image if being told you are going to be shown an apple; it is unpredictable or in media terms ethropic.
How redundant or how ethropic an image is, can depend on cultural knowledge; for example, an image that is an everyday occurrence in one country might not be for another, a person that lives in America might find a picture of a tractor driving down a road completely ethropic, whereas if you lived in England this would be highly redundant. It could also depend on a person's personal life, and how familiar they are to certain things, for example a person who is a tattoo and piercing artist might find an image of someone tattooed head to foot redundant, but a person who lives in a Amish community might find it ethropic.
How redundant or how ethropic an image is, can depend on cultural knowledge; for example, an image that is an everyday occurrence in one country might not be for another, a person that lives in America might find a picture of a tractor driving down a road completely ethropic, whereas if you lived in England this would be highly redundant. It could also depend on a person's personal life, and how familiar they are to certain things, for example a person who is a tattoo and piercing artist might find an image of someone tattooed head to foot redundant, but a person who lives in a Amish community might find it ethropic.
When it comes to producing our own video we need to consider our target audience and genre when deciding how redundant or ethropic it will be. Our genre is 'indie'; which is a genre seen as slightly kooky, different and authentic, therefore our video, digipak and advert should not be utterly redundant, but nearing towards being highly ethropic. However our audience is c1, c2 and d on the jicnar scale, and therefore can not be too over complicated or the audience will not understand it; our end products need to be ethropic enough to be clearly identified to belong to an indie genre, but redundant enough to convey a clear message.
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